O this you can tell people you used Gore-Tex to repair your stuff! The Glide branded dental floss is actually the fiber form of Gore-Tex. Gore Medical info link by Zack on 06 01 06 12:59 PM I think I am going to try this to fix the hem that is coming out on my convertable's soft-top. by jonaric on 06 01 06 02:38 PM Ooh, let us know how it goes jonaric! by Gina Trapani, Lifehacker Editor on 06 01 06 05:39 PM or Edit My User Profile or Logout To leave a comment, please login with your Lifehacker comments username and password. (How can I become a commenter?) Username: Password: Remember me on this computer? Forgot your username or password? SPONSORSHIP Gawker Media – Lifehacker and over a dozen other weblog titles – brings a young and influential audience to brand advertisers. Click here to find out more about sponsorship opportunities.Lifehacker postscontinue below... Sponsored Links Your Ad Here Computers make us more productive. Yeah, right. Lifehacker recommends the softw
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